Prism of Love: God's Colours in Everyday Life Cover Image
Prism of Love: God's Colours in Everyday Life Cover Image

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Goodreads rating: 4.43

Paperback, Published in Nov 2003 by Columba Press (IE)

ISBN10: 1856074048 | ISBN13: 9781856074049

Page count: 144

In Prism of Love Daniel J. O'Leary continues to share his passion for enriching the lives of his readers, by enabling them to delve a little deeper below the surface of what is happening to them, and around them. The purpose of these current reflections is to reveal 'the dearest freshness deep down things'; to disclose the secret of turning your life around and of living more freely and more abundantly. This revelation, this secret, is sometimes offered to us as pure gift when we least expect it. At other times we have to dig hard through the rubble of our lives before the stubborn gold surrenders itself. For Christians, the full experience of each day and each night of their lives is the nearest they can ever hope to get to the experience of God. The author takes these daily moments and gradually, carefully, simply, reveals within them a little of the profound mystery of our Lover-Creator.

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