Paperback, Published in Aug 2008 by America Star Books
Page count: 204
Every fiction is somebodyas truth. Satan in High Heels is no different. This fictitious story is Lydiaas truth. She lived it, ate it, spoke it and breathed it until it became the very essence of her very being. Lydiaas naAvetA(c) allowed her to become vacuumed and sucked into a world she never knew existed. Her husband, David, and misguided achurch folka were her Achillesa heel, until one day the inevitable awakened the sleeping giant within. Walk with Lydia through the indignities and cruelties to a heart never meant to suffer. Receive with her the discoveries of a life that changed her persona of innocence into the self-assured and esteemed woman she became. Grapple with your own life as Lydia did with hers. Sincerely, you will see yourself in the truth that belongs to Lydia.