Paperback, Published in Dec 2008 by America Star Books
Page count: 460
Cecile DuBois, twenty-seven years old and born in Paris, France, was a billionaire in ladiesa high fashion. While flying to South America she met a handsome young man on the airplane. Jonathan Belzer told her he was an executive working for a textile-manufacturing company in Israel. In fact, Jonathan Belzer was an Israeli Secret Service agent en route to South America to capture a German Nazi criminal responsible for killing millions of Jews and other nationalities in concentration camps. Cecile, unaware of Jonathan being a Secret Service agent, had a brief love affair with him in Buenos Aires, Argentina. At midnight while Cecile was sleeping, Jonathan disappeared from Cecileas hotel suite. Cecile, outraged, started looking for Jonathan. By this time Jonathan was flying to Israel on an El Al special plane with the Nazi criminal to face justice. Cecile, following her business meetings in New York and Paris, decided to fly to Israel to find Jonathan Belzer.