Paperback, Published in Jun 2008 by America Star Books
Page count: 570
When the most deadly biological toxin in the world is created, the temptation for terrorists is too great not to possess it. Enigma is the code name for a corporation of ex-soldiers and do-gooders. Disenfranchised by the corrupt ways of the U.S. government, they base themselves on a Caribbean island and will go anywhere and do anything to right a wrong. Enigma will step into situations where governments canat or wonat. Accepting a job of rescuing an industrialistas daughter, the mission quickly deteriorates when the daughter is dangled as bait by terrorists intent on acquiring the weapon. But when the ultimate biological weapon goes missing, a simple kidnapping recovery turns even more dangerous when a mole in the terrorist organization has his own even deadlier agenda. Can Enigma battle these threats while staving off a rival group thatas out to destroy them along the way?