Paperback, Published in Jun 2008 by America Star Books
Page count: 166
The crowd cheered when the announcer introduced George Strait. aThank you, folks, but before I sing Iad like to say a few words about the real stars here today. I guess youave all heard about Kimsey Marshal and her horse Bill catching the guy that attempted to assassinate Senator Black during the parade. Kimsey told Bill to catch the suspect and he did. That was a little hard to swallow, but after thinking it over, Iave concluded that it might not be so far fetched. I talk to my horses and my dog. We all talk to animals, but we canat hold a conversation with them. Most of us canat hold one with each other, but maybe Kimsey and Bill can. Stranger things have happened. A hundred years ago, who would have believed a man would walk on the moon? The Lord walked on water and rose from the dead. Lots of folks donat believe that either, but I do. Maybe we can get Kimsey and Bill to come out up on the stage with me.a The crowd applauded and cheered.