Paperback, Published in Dec 2008 by Tate Publishing & Enterprises
Page count: 291
Join Byrne as he brings one of Ireland's ancient and respected families to vivid life. Through their historic 16th century struggle countering English aggression and their crossing to America in 1818, Byrne creates them in our time as they take on today's challenges. Full of family value, love, and personal growth, the O'Byrne Ranelagh family produces an outstanding guideline to follow, and they have fun along the way. From excitement of sailing the seas to a career in Astronautics, Ranelagh proves to be entertaining and moving. Ranelagh's sequel, Tomorrow's Skies, follows the family's epic several years on to a surprising climax. The proud father of a daughter and two sons, Byrne lives and writes in Newport, R.I. He has been sailing the high seas aboard clipper ships for fifteen years, crossing the Atlantic four times. Going around the world in 2007, he boarded the four-masted barkentine, Star Flyer, to sail from Phuket, Thailand, across the Andaman Sea, The Bay of Bengal, the Indian Ocean, the Arabian and Red Seas, through the Suez Canal to Alexandria, Rhodes and Pireaus for Athens. Byrne graduated from West Point, won his Air Force pilot's wings, and served a full career to retirement in Newport where he took up sailing using man's first wings.