Paperback, Published in Aug 2008 by America Star Books
Page count: 184
So you think itall never happen to youabeing hand-picked, prepped, snagged, wooed, trapped and screwed, all before you even knew you had an interest in him. Played! Caught up in manas oldest scams, only to find yourself down the path of theft, deceit, stalking and now entertaining the thought of murder. Most think that addiction is a word that only applies to drugs, and implies some type of chemical dependency. There is another force out there just as compelling and seductive as any kind of drug or alcohol, and with the same intensity of withdrawal symptoms to match. Itas called LOVE. Addicted to love. It leaves its victims like any other addict, doing almost anything to get it. Have you ever loved someone so much that youad do anything, I mean anything for that person? Youad even go so far as to steal from your employer to make your ababya happy. Youad rob Peter to keep Paul. Well, that was Kendle Woods. The woman who had everything and gave everything away, literally, for love. Everythinga]right down to her children. Still, when she ended up running for her life from an organized crime lord, her ababya still came first. Girl, donat let this happen to youa]. A power-gripping novel about one womanas struggle to protect herself, the life she was bestowed due to the man she was chasing, the loss of her family, and the murder of her best friend.