Paperback, Published in Oct 2008 by America Star Books
Page count: 236
Kato laid naked on the cold floor, shivering, the words of the serpents still echoing in her head, revealing a sacred prophecy of long ago: In the year of modern times when Venus completes an irregular parallax around the universe for the six hundred and sixty-sixth time, the redeemer of vampires will be revealed. A child will be conceived by this date by two heirs that guard my mark. This will be the bastard child of mine; Gehenna will begin with this child as its ruler. My blood is the seed; it must be spilt with the blood of my brother. When Gehenna begins, all mortals will die; the Earth will be ours at last. We will be the only gods left. She gripped the amulet in her hand and stood. The warm metal burned her cold flesh, reminding her of the damning task aheada]