Paperback, Published in Apr 2008 by America Star Books
Page count: 296
What would you do if you were recruited to be a spy? Could you do it? Charlie Baxter, a student at a small college in the West Virginia mountains, wasnat alive when Stewart and Elliott began their careers as the most infamous thieves in America. He was barely in elementary school when FBI Agent Mike Brenner began to chase them. However, during his sophomore year, when he is hired by Brenner, he becomes the lynchpin of the struggle between the two forces. Charlieas inner battleabalancing his life and his new identity, keeping his actions a secret from those who are close to himais only the beginning of his turmoil. Charlieas search soon becomes a race against time, working for Brenner to find Elliott while trying to evade Stewartas mysterious correspondent. To find Elliott, Charlie has to control the futureawhile looking all the way into the past.