Paperback, Published in Jun 2008 by America Star Books
Page count: 508
Phillip Fogel has a quandary. While he enjoys spending weekends at Happy Valley Nudist Resort, his family is slowly falling apart. Nearly every woman at the resort, and for that matter everywhere else, hates his mother, Lita, for her man-stealing ways. His father, Frank, is trying desperately to keep his family together and his business from going under. For some reason that Phillip cannot fathom, his father is unwilling to simply divorce his out-of-control wife and simply go on with his life. Then there is Phillipas older sister, Cynthia, who is quickly turning into a younger version of her mother. If possible, Cynthia is even more hated than her mother is. Phillipas younger sister, Allison, is a six-year-old super-genius who avoids the family strife by escaping into her books. Phillipas friends are curious about the Fogelsa alternate lifestyle, but several cannot stand his mother or sister. And now his mother has begun to receive death threatsa]