Paperback, Published in Jun 2008 by America Star Books
Page count: 276
Working at the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit, Dr. Gabriel has been unable to solve a difficult case code-named Thirteen Feet. People are being kidnaped and buried alive, videos of their final moments are peddled online for profit, and the publicas voyeuristic fascination with this sordid entertainment is becoming a global download addiction. After witnessing the online suffocation of a young girl whom she is unable to save, Dr. Gabriel decides that she canat take any more and leaves the Bureau. Gabriel breaks ranks with the FBI and joins her former boss Walter Sinclair at Steele Enterprises, Inc., a for-profit global risk-management company with lucrative security contracts throughout Asia. Security Director Rebecca Caldwell is beautiful and ruthless and she runs the show, so itas not long before she and Gabriel are butting heads, particularly when it comes to telling the truth versus spinning the truth for Steelas corporate clients.