Paperback, Published in Mar 2008 by America Star Books
Page count: 216
Simon Greifson is the type of guy any mother would want for her daughter. Heas cute, rich, blond, and the poster-boy for nice guys; however, all of this is only skin deep. Inside his emerald eyes lie secrets of a haunting past that open doors to the even more haunting future. When Simonas only sister is kidnapped, itas up to him and his five brothers to save her life and, among other things, themselves. That is nothing compared to the hardship of death, the trials of adolescence, and everything else that befalls you on the road to adulthood. Thatas where Simon faces the hardest obstacle yet, but in order to do it, he has to find the answers to the mysteries in his eyes. Is growing up worth all the pain that he endured?