Paperback, Published in Feb 2008 by America Star Books
Page count: 108
This is a murder mystery that takes place in Savannah, Georgia, that involves a local private investigator, Russell Clayton (Rusty) Cannon. Rusty Cannon is a typical private eye who works at his own pace to solve this murder case. It involves intrigue, a planned murder, and who-dun-it action. The murder takes place in one of the elite, premier homes in the Savannah area. John Winslow, a rich CEO of one of the top companies, Winslow Imports-Exports, Inc., is murdered in his home, and his wife Kate Winslow is charged for first degree murder. The story unfolds piece by piece and the possible perpetrator of the act changes in the PIas mind as clues are discovered. Rusty falls for John Winslowas secretary, Brigitte James, and the story bursts forth with love and mystery. Our hero solves the murder mystery to his credit and wins the girl.