Paperback, Published in Jun 2008 by Tate Publishing & Enterprises
Page count: 363
'Sharpen your indelible pencil, Pat; this day you will write a lifetime of learning...' As the wagon wheels squeak and the cows graze along the trail, it is easy to find yourself daydreaming of better times to come. As many discovered during the year 1945, you have to move on to find the life one can only dream about, and even then it takes a lot of sweat and muscle. Join the Fritch family on the trail in 1945 and Beyond, by author Pat Lorett, as they travel west to stake their claim during the Oklahoma Land Run. Experience the heartbreak of losing family members to sickness, struggling to keep your family fed...but don't forget about the good times too. You'd be surprised how many nice folk you meet along the trail, and that is what Oklahoma is all abouta "coming together to work the land and helping your brother to build his homestead. Readers will be transported back in time to experience the struggles of the pioneer days of Oklahoma and will rejoice in the good times, when everyone has food in their belly and warmth from the fire."