Paperback, Published in Jan 2010 by America Star Books
Page count: 108
The Plight of Sanna, the Polar Bear is a compelling and heartwarming story about a female polar bear named Sanna, meaning "Sea Goddess" in the Inuit language, who meets her mate, a courageous boar named Nanuq. It further chronicles Sanna's daily life as she prepares for the birth of her twin cubs. As this exciting tale unfolds, the author relates how the threat of global warming impacts all of their lives and threatens their very survival in the Arctic! This book should appeal to children and adults alike--anyone interested in polar bears and global warming, two very important and timely topics. It contains excellent scientific information which teachers could also use in the classroom to educate students on these subjects! To save the magnificent polar bear from extinction, researchers agree humans need to change their behavior to reduce global warming by coming together globally to solve this problem!