Paperback, Published in Mar 2008 by America Star Books
Page count: 224
aYouare going to go to high school having never been kissed?a asked Chris. aSo?a aDonat you think you should try it?a aWith who?a aMe.a One question changed the course of their lives. Chris, a Dominican transplant from New York, moved next door to Michaela in her suburban Atlanta neighborhood when they were both ten. Michaela, who spent her days playing the piano with her music teacher mom and singing songs with her girly-girl older sister Lauren, discovered love with just one kiss from her best friend. Follow the course of this coming-of-age story through make-ups and break-ups, new loves and losses, high school and college, fame and drama. Itas Love and Basketball meets Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queenaa rollercoaster ride through life. They start as best friends, but will life tear them apart from each other or bring them closer together?