Paperback, Published in Sep 2008 by America Star Books
Page count: 192
In Wheels of Mercy, author J.L. Graham brings forth the question, what would we find if we could trace down the after effects of one good deed that we did for someone, somewhere along the road of life? How many lives would we find that were affected as the result of one second in eternity? Will Jennings is a young man, still in college, who finds himself on the trail of the answer to that very question. Willas father, Arthur Jennings, manages to leave his son one clue to a period in his life that, prior to that very moment, no one knew existed. This one small hint leads Will on the trail of a gift that is destined to be passed on forever. Though Will doesnat know where his journey will lead him, what he finds at the end is the last thing that he would have ever expected.