Castle Grayskull Under Attack (Masters Of The Universe) Cover Image

About the Author: John Grant

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John Grant is a Scottish author and illustrator, possibly best known as the author of the Littlenose series of children's stories, which he read on the BBC's Jackanory in 55 programmes from 1968 to 1986.
As a student, Grant earned extra cash illustrating learned academic papers and designing menus, toast lists and illuminated addresses, and during National Service he drew cartoons for the official army magazine Soldier.
He originally invented Littlenose to entertain his children, but failed to find a publisher until BBC commissioned him to both write and present his stories of a little Neanderthal boy who was always getting into trouble. These proved a great success, and he went on to write and illustrate over 13 Littlenose books between 1968 and 1993.

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ISBN10: 0721408117 | ISBN13: 9780721408118

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