Paperback, Published in Sep 2015 by Corgi Childrens
Page count: 310
Madeline Whittier is allergic to the outside world. So allergic, in fact, that she has never left the house in all of her seventeen years. But when Olly moves in next door, and wants to talk to Maddie, tiny holes start to appear in the protective bubble her mother has built around her. Olly writes his IM address on a piece of paper, shows it at her window, and suddenly, a door opens. But does Maddie dare to step outside her comfort zone?
Everything, Everything is about the thrill and heartbreak that happens when we break out of our shell to do crazy, sometimes death-defying things for love.
Fadwa Lahnin on 18 Nov 2016
“THIS BOOKS PLAYED ME and it played with my head and my feelings. I just love it! I don't know why I've been putting off reading it for more than a year now, I mean, it got to a point where I wasn't even thinking of reading it (I don't know why, don't ask) but then the urge of reading it came back and more urgent than ever. So, what do I do? I JUMP ON IT. Look at that gorgeous cover though, it is one of the prettiest things I have ever seen, who could resist it? I know I couldn't.
What took me by surprise when I first skimed the book are the illustrations, notes, etc… they're so cute and make the reading experience that much more enjoyable and personal to the reader.
The writing in this book is so gorgeous, if you follow me on Twitter, you've already witness the ridiculous amount of tabs I have in my copy and those are ALL for quotable sentences (If you haven't, here‘s the tweet I'm talking about). It is also funny and had me laughing quite a few times, which is something that hasn't happened in quite some time. The descriptions in it are magnificent and very vivid, making common everyday things stand out.
Everything, Everything is told from Maddy's POV which is great because she had such a perky and enjoyable voice which helps a lot with the book's flow. I seriously think I could've read it in one sitting if I didn't have life and adulting stuff getting in the way. I flew through it compared to the pace I normally read at.
So, the plot is really quite simple. Stranded Maddy, hot boy next door, they find ways to communicate and get to know each other without meeting and that was such a great twist on your classic romance, it made it stand out. Here they got to know each other through emails and IMs and the like which helped them get to know each other on a deeper level faster. THE CHEMISTRY IS SO REAL and it made me swoon and squeal and flail and all things crazy fangirls do.
I had two tiny issues with the book though. The first one is that I would've liked for SCID to be A LOT more detailed and explained to the reader because all we are told is that it means that she's allergic to a lot of things and she never know what might trigger her severe immune reaction. The second one is
Maddy is such a strong and beautiful character, inside and out. She's lonely and alone which really broke my heart but she didn't let herself be defeated by her disease. Even when her little world wasn't enough for her she kept relentlessly fighting for what she wanted which I must admit led her to being reckless. Olly, though He made my heart flutter. He's so sexy and sweet and just all around awesome. He took care of her, tried to understand her, and was considerate of everything she went through.
I really loved the relationship she had with her nurse, Carla, it was refreshing and she was like a second mom and a best friend to her. She adored her and was always there for her, her joys and her heartaches. Her complicity with her mom was lovely as well with their little rituals and all the time they spent together.
BUT THAT ENDING THOUGH!!! It made me question EVERYTHING and I just couldn't handle it.
This story made me think about and acknowledge the simple things in life that I usually take for granted like going outside, meeting new people, having spontaneous experiences, physical contact and so on and so forth which I am really greatful for.”